session-info <token> value
Worley, Dale R (Dale)
2011-05-18 16:33:30 UTC
There is a "token" value which is passed from a policy server to a UA. The token value is the content of a <token> element in the session-info document, so in general it is a sequence of Unicode characters. The UA uses it when it makes certain requests by adding a Policy-Info header of the form:

Policy-Info: sip:***@example.com;token=xyzzy

where the value of the "token" parameter is the content of the <token> element in the session-info that it was given.

The question is what characters are permitted in the token value?

The only limitation on the session-info document is that it consist of Unicode characters. But in order to put it in a parameter value, it must be representable there. Parameter values use %-escaping, so characters from U+0020 (space) to U+007E (~) can easily be accommodated. If we use %80 to %FF to represent the characters from U+0080 to U+00FF, we can add the Latin-1 set. Or we could assume that %-escaping is used to encode *bytes* used in the *UTF-8* representation of characters, in which case the entire Unicode set is representable. (Since the semantics of %-escaping is not described anywhere in RFC 3261, either of these is possible.)

It seems to me that limiting the characters to U+0020 through U+007E, the ordinary ASCII set, is enough flexibility and avoids all sorts of complications.

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Gonzalo Camarillo
2011-05-20 12:21:32 UTC

yes, I think limiting the valid characters to something simpler (UTF8 or
ASCII) makes sense.


Post by Worley, Dale R (Dale)
where the value of the "token" parameter is the content of the <token> element in the session-info that it was given.
The question is what characters are permitted in the token value?
The only limitation on the session-info document is that it consist of Unicode characters. But in order to put it in a parameter value, it must be representable there. Parameter values use %-escaping, so characters from U+0020 (space) to U+007E (~) can easily be accommodated. If we use %80 to %FF to represent the characters from U+0080 to U+00FF, we can add the Latin-1 set. Or we could assume that %-escaping is used to encode *bytes* used in the *UTF-8* representation of characters, in which case the entire Unicode set is representable. (Since the semantics of %-escaping is not described anywhere in RFC 3261, either of these is possible.)
It seems to me that limiting the characters to U+0020 through U+007E, the ordinary ASCII set, is enough flexibility and avoids all sorts of complications.
Sipping mailing list https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/sipping
This list is for NEW development of the application of SIP
Use sip-***@cs.columbia.edu for questions on current sip
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