I-D Action: draft-bakker-sipping-3gpp-ims-xml-body-handling-07.txt
Paul Kyzivat
2011-12-03 18:11:20 UTC
I'm commenting on this on the (now obsolete) sipping list because this
has sipping in its name. This may not be the best place. I suppose an
alternative is rai.

ISTM that there are three degrees of freedom here for identifying how to
process these bodies:
- content-disposition
- content-type
- the actual content of the body

Of these, the content-disposition is the most heavy weight in terms of
mechanism, while the actual content of the body is the least heavy-weight.

So, I wonder why you have chosen to use one content-type, that seems to
already contain distinct representations for the differing behaviors of
interest, and yet use distinct content-dispositions. I think you could
use a single content-disposition and get the same effect.

I guess multiple content-dispositions might make sense if they are
processed by different entities, so that only the intended entities need
decode the body. It would also make sense if the same identical body
representation was processed differently based on the
content-disposition. But I don't think either of those is the case here.

So I would find it helpful if this draft explained why it chooses to use
multiple content-dispositions.

I also think it would be useful to say something about how you expect
the handling parameter to be used with these dispositions. If
handling=required (the default) is used, then any UA that gets this must
fail the request unless it is able to handle the body. If
handling=optional is specified, then that need not be so.

A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
Title : Specification of 3GPP IM CN Subsystem XML body handling
Author(s) : John-Luc Bakker
Filename : draft-bakker-sipping-3gpp-ims-xml-body-handling-07.txt
Pages : 7
Date : 2011-12-02
This document registers new disposition-types for the Content-
Disposition header field that apply to the application/3gpp-ims+xml
body used by 3GPP. The applicability of these content-disposition
values are limited to 3GPP IMS. The application/3gpp-ims+xml body
has the following three distinct uses: (1) for redirecting the
emergency session to use a different domain (e.g. using a Circuit
Switched call), (2) for delivering user profile specific information
from the SIP registrar to an Application Server, and (3) for causing
a UAC to attempt to re-register with the IMS.
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